You Can Be A Winner!

The Speedway Australia Night of Champions at The Star Brisbane on Saturday 28th June 2025 will feature the ninth annual Australian Speedway Awards.

The Awards recognize those who have excelled over the past season including competitors, marshals, volunteers, speedway photographers, events and venues.

The event also includes the 12th induction into the Australian Speedway Hall of Fame. This prestigious recognition celebrates those members of the speedway community who have contributed over a longer period of time, either on or off the track.

  • Hall of Fame: Nominations close Thursday 27th February
  • Track/Marshal/Other Awards: Nominations close Sunday 23rd March
  • Competitor Awards: Nominations close Sunday 14th April

Award Categories

Competitor of the Year: Open Wheel, Sedan, Modified, Karting, Youth (5 Awards)
The licensed competitor who has achieved the most during the 2024/25 season in 1 of the 5 above mentioned categories. Criteria includes not just on track success but team participation, vehicle presentation, value to promotions, commitment to their chosen division and interaction with fans and sponsors. Every licensed competitor in Australia is eligible in one of the above categories.
Click here to make a nomination...

Nominee: *
Category: *
Division: *
1. List all on-track achievements for the competitor for the current season. Include titles, Blue Ribbon events and any other significant on-track achievements: *
2. How does this competitor show commitment to their racing division/s?: *
3. What sort of off-track activities does this competitor do to help improve the sport of Speedway?: *
Nominated by: *
Email: *
Contact phone number: *

* Please send any relevant supporting documentation (such as photos) to


Speedway Australia Sportsperson of the Year 2024/25
For the driver who has not only achieved spectacular success on the track, but is considered a true sportsperson through their off track conduct and involvement that contributes to the wellbeing of the sport.
Click here to make a nomination...

Nominee: *
1. List all on-track achievements for the competitor for the current season. Include titles, Blue Ribbon events and any other significant on-track achievements: *
2. What sort of off-track activities does this competitor do to help improve the sport of Speedway?: *
3. How does this competitor show commitment to their racing division/s?: *
4. Why does this competitor deserve to be nominated as the Sportsperson of the Year?: *
Nominated by: *
Email: *
Contact phone number: *

* Please send any relevant supporting documentation (such as photos) to


Australian Speedway Hall of Fame
For those members of the speedway community who have excelled over a longer period of time to be considered for recognition. Both competitors and non-competitors from both car and motorcycle speedway are eligible for inclusion in this select group that currently numbers just 80 individuals.

Nominations for the Australian Speedway Hall of Fame closed Thursday 27th February

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Current competitors must be aged over 50 to be eligible
  • Must be an Australian citizen
Nominee: *
1. List a mininum of 5 achievements that this nominee has achieved during their career: *
2. What has this nominee done off track to warrant being an inductee? e.g. club president, mentor, official, media: *
3. Explain how this nominee has impacted their sport: *
4. Please provide a timeline in detail of their career from start to current/retirement, in dot point form: *
Nominated by: *
Email: *
Contact phone number: *

* Please send any relevant supporting documentation (such as photos) to


Track of the Year
Is the Speedway venue judged to be the best in the country, both on and off the track during the 2024/25 season. Criteria considered will include the facility itself, the race meetings undertaken, marketing and promotion, and the processes and management structures in place.

Nominations for the Track of the Year closed Sunday 23rd March

Nominated track: *
1. What are some of the promotional initiatives that the venue has used this year to build the sport?: *
2. What major events did this venue host throughout the past season?: *
3. What makes this venue so successful?: *
Nominated by: *
Email: *
Contact phone number: *

* Please send any relevant supporting documentation (such as photos) to


Most Improved Track of the Year
Is the Speedway that has undertaken the best efforts to improve their speedway experience for competitors and fans. Criteria considered will include facility enhancements, better race meetings, field size and quality, marketing and promotion, process and management improvements.

Nominations for the Most Improved Track of the Year closed Sunday 23rd March

Nominated track: *
1. List the facility enhancements that have been undertaken to the venue in the last season: *
2. How has the venue used resources to fund their improvements? e.g. fundraising, club members working bee's, community grant success: *
3. What are some of the challenges that this venue has overcome in the last season?: *
Nominated by: *
Email: *
Contact phone number: *

* Please send any relevant supporting documentation (such as photos) to


Marshal/Volunteer of the Year
The track or racing division official who has made the worthiest contribution to the sport in the past 12 months.

Nominations for the Marshal/Volunteer of the Year closed Sunday 23rd March

Nominated person: *
1. List the current roles that this volunteer undertakes: *
2. What does this nominee do that generates so much respect?: *
3. Why do they stand out as being an exceptional Marshal/Volunteer?: *
Nominated by: *
Email: *
Contact phone number: *

* Please send any relevant supporting documentation (such as photos) to


Photographer of the Year
The licensed speedway photographer who has captured in season 2024/25 a high quality and action-packed portfolio of 10 shots. Photographers who are nominated will receive an email from Speedway Australia to supply a portfolio of ten photos, with a minimum of one from each of the six categories below.

Nominations for the Photographer of the Year closed Sunday 23rd March

  1. High speed/action
  2. People
  3. Atmosphere - capturing the event, overall
  4. Black & White
  5. Flash photography
  6. Behind the scenes (away from the event) - e.g Studio, Carwash, Workshop, Display
Nominee: *
Nominated by: *
Email: *
Contact phone number: *

Innovation/Promotional Item/Event of the Year
An innovation, promotional item or event that is judged to be the best at achieving its goal of promoting the sport or part of during the 2024/25 season. Key criteria will include recognition of a new idea that pushes the envelope, ensuring the sport of speedway continues to move forward, or is judged to be the best at achieving it's goal of promoting the sport in the past season. It could be a technical advancement released in the 2024/25 season, a promotional concept that came to fruition, or an event that has drawn exceptional attention to the sport.

Nominations for the Innovation/Promotional Item of the Year closed Sunday 23rd March

Nominee: *
1. Describe the innovation or promotional item and it's purpose: *
2. How has this innovation or promotional item moved the sport forward?: *
3. Who were the personel involved in this initiative?: *
Nominated by: *
Email: *
Contact phone number: *

* Please send any relevant supporting documentation (such as photos) to


Media Person/Group/Outlet of the Year
A media person, group or outlet who promoted the sport of Speedway well in the 2024/25 season.

Nominations for the Media Person/Group/Outlet of the Year closed Sunday 23rd March

Nominee: *
1. Where was the nominee's work published?: *
2. List in detail, how this nominee has promoted the sport of Speedway positively: *
Nominated by: *
Email: *
Contact phone number: *

* Please send any relevant supporting documentation (such as photos) to